• 10 – 13 April 2025
  • Exhibition Centre Cologne

Wellness Strategies of the Future

(c) shutterstock

Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





Transformation to a Better Self

Wellness is about much more than just pampering yourself or being pampered extensively. Wellness looks at life as a whole. It is about nothing less than living the right and good life and enjoying it.

That is why the wellness strategies of tomorrow should also initiate processes of change in the future – they should motivate and offer a comprehensive repertoire of physical, mental, social and spiritual measures. For success, it will be crucial to provide all wellness seekers with a concrete set of interventions geared to individual life situations, which will make the desired change processes and improvements possible.

Interestingly, the previously rather independent fields of wellness and medicine seem to be converging more and more. Both fields now understand the great intersections they have with each other and how much they are subject to the same principle of success: the transformation to a better self.

Against this backdrop, classic wellness providers must learn that real change will only be achieved through personal commitment, activity, exercise, determination, effort and consistency, and not primarily by "pampering yourself now and then". In turn, medical providers must understand that they must first and foremost maintain people's health and that the primary goal is not to cure diseases. After all, some diseases can be specifically reduced if strengthening and maintaining general health is the first priority.

Both mega-markets – wellness as well as medicine – are united by the same maxim, namely the desire for change of its clientele and thus the common goal of creating sustainably successful transformative processes with which the demanding customers of the future can be won.


Wellness and Fitness.

A synergy straight out of a picture book.